Our mission

Stop fugitive plastic on land before it ever gets into our oceans.

Our solution

Time set

Material is engineered to degrade in a pre-set amount of time

Open air

Typical conditions on land enable for the process to take effect


Plastic biodegrades leaving behind no toxins or microplastics


Watch this cup return to nature in real time.

The Living Lab is a glass structure that replicates conditions of the natural environment. During the Extreme E Ocean x Prix, an all-electric car race in Dakar, the Living Lab will be filled with soil from the racing course and used LyfeCycle products. Over the coming months the experiment will be closely studied by a group of independent scientists who will report their findings on the effectiveness of LyfeCycle technology.

Dakar, Senegal

Time remaining

Join the fight

Find fugitive plastic in your area and share it on social with #stopfugitiveplastic

Local beach clean up underway in Bali, let's put a stop to this! 

Absolutely shocking, we’ve got to put a stop to this pollution! #stopfugitiveplastic

500 years!!!! #stopfugitiveplastic


Tired of seeing this every morning, let’s start holding these brands to account! #stopfugitiveplastic

and take part in our ecosystem supporter events and festivals happening all across the globe this summer